Supportive Environment
We are all responsible for sustaining a respectful and safe environment. The team of labconcepts will treat each other and all who work with us with respect and sensitivity, regardless of origin, gender, faith, disability, family status, sexual orientation and identity, age etc. We communicate and consult each other openly and in such a way that helps each and every one of us to fulfill their roles and responsibilities effectively.
Respectful interaction
Treat others the way they would like to be treated. If you are unsure, ask. Be considerate of the personal space and the belongings of others. As soon as someone expresses their disinterest in further interaction, respect this decision.
Gender-sensitive language
Use language that is inclusive of all genders and non-binary persons. Respect chosen names, pronouns and genders.
No harassment or discrimination
Harassment, be it physically or verbally, as well as discrimination based on traits such as gender, faith, disability, sexual orientation and identity, age, ethnicity or social background is inacceptable.
No intimidation or threats
Intimidation and threats, be it physically or verbally, are inacceptable.
Assume goodwill
Act with mutual respect and goodwill. Address misunderstandings and apologize proactively for any damage caused.